Prayer for the International Conference on Environmental Psychology (23 March 2024)

March 22, 2024

Almighty and compassionate Creator, as we gather here today for the Environmental Psychology International Conference, we are reminded of the profound words of Pope Francis on climate change. He has called us to recognize the urgent need to care for our
common home and address the challenges of climate change with wisdom and compassion. 

Grant us, O Lord, the wisdom and insight to understand the role of psychological science in addressing the impact of climate change. Inspire us to work tirelessly towards sustainable solutions that promote environmental stewardship and the well-being of all living beings. 

As Thomasians who spread the light, lumina pandit, may this conference be a source of enlightenment, guiding us to take meaningful actions that contribute to the healing of our planet and the flourishing of all life. We ask for your blessings upon this gathering, and we pray for your guidance throughout our discussions and endeavors. Amen. 

St. Albert the Great...

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