The Thomasian Core Values

March 12, 2021

The Three (3) Core Values are morals that must be developed in very Thomasian. These values distinguish us from other universities and provide a distinction that marks us as we strive for globalization. These are the three core values: Competence, Compassion and Commitment

Every Thomasian should manifest competence. Our life and work should always be an example of adherence to truth and intellectual creativity. We are all expected to be specialists in our chosen field of discipline. This means that as a student, you are expected to study well in preparation for the kind of life you wish to lead in the future. And since your future starts now, you have to strive to become a competent student. Being a competent student means doing one’s best. Are you satisfied with just doing the least because it is the easiest? Being the best that you can be does not mean competing with each other, it means competing with yourself. You are a Thomasian! Be the best that you can be.  

Every Thomasian lives not only for oneself but also for the people in one's family, community and country. This means that you and I should also look into the concerns of others. Compassion is passion that is directed towards people in need. It enables us to focus on others and not on ourselves—giving our time, talent and treasure and, if necessary, to self–sacrifice. Competence, coupled with Christian Compassion ensures the reign of God’s love and mercy. You and I are called to serve our less fortunate brothers and sisters with competent and compassionate hearts. As a student, you can do this by being involved in community service programs in your parish, school, or locality. 

Every Thomasian is expected to exercise one's work, profession, or mission in life with deep commitment. You and I are called to give ourselves fully to the ideals that we, Thomasians, hold dear as we make our presence felt in the world. By the examples of our lives, we should serve as courageous Christian witnesses, together making God’s creative, redeeming and renewing presence felt anywhere we are. Following the example of our Patron Saint, Thomas Aquinas, we should commit ourselves to search for the truth unceasingly. In this day and age when the truth can be distorted using information technology, every Thomasian should commit to the pursuit of truth always. 

Competence, Compassion and Commitment are the values we should all strive to live up to as hallmarks of our identity. These are values we can use as we take our first steps into the world—knowing that we are Thomasians, that name comes with the responsibility of constantly striving to carry out works of greatness in honor of our God. 

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