Prayer for the Outstanding Alumni of Science Tribute (TOAST)

March 23, 2024
Prayer for the Outstanding Alumni of Science Tribute (TOAST)
23 March 2024

Heavenly Father, You blessed those who have walked the hallowed halls of UST, for they carry within them the seeds of greatness sown in the nurturing environment of competence, compassion, and commitment. May their journey inspire us to embrace the spirit of "Galing Science, Galing Science!" and strive for excellence in all endeavors. 

We thank you, Lord, for the alumni achievers of UST College of Science, who have made significant contributions to their fields, pioneering research, developing innovative technologies, and advancing our understanding of the world. Their accomplishments stand as a testament to the potential within each person who believes, hopes, and loves. 

Grant wisdom and guidance to our alumni as they continue to serve as mentors, role models, and advocates for scientific progress. May their dedication to making a positive impact on society reflect the values instilled by the University of Santo Tomas, and inspire others to follow in their footsteps. 

Just as St. Albert the Great used science as a means to reach you, O Lord, may our scientific endeavors be offered to you with a spirit of love, sanctifying our engagement and elevating our contributions to the world. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. 


St. Albert the Great...

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