Outstanding: Message to the Student, Alumni and Staff Awardees 2021

Outstanding: Message to the Student, Alumni and Staff Awardees 2021

Life events are to be celebrated with joy, no matter how ordinary it might be. What more if you have generously contributed to the betterment of society. Our celebration is both a recognition of God’s providence and attestation of the power of love. 

To be outstanding in our respective fields, one must go out of his or her comfort zone and be in the frontline, we are not ‘backseat Christians’ nor ‘armchair’ Catholics, confined in our own cozy places without contributing to society. 

Thank you to all our outstanding awardees for sharing not just your competence and expertise, but your love. You are indeed outstanding, not just because of your achievements... but outstanding because you are out there standing for love. Congratulations and may God bless you!


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